Computer has become a part of luxury for one and all, from kids to old people all have some or the other need from computer. Couple of years back personal computers was found very rarely in houses where as today you can find PC in about 2 out of 5 homes, the ratio has increased drastically. Internet was unknown to common people, now without internet our lives will halt as we need internet for almost in all arenas it might be banking, paying bills, emails, online booking for trains, or booking tickets for movie. Earlier if we wanted to have pizza/burger we had to compulsory need to go to bakery, now it's just a few clicks away you can order online and enjoy it at your home in no time.
PC is proven to be best buddy for youngsters and teenagers; they spend all their leisure time on computer. They love browsing, chatting, and playing games, in fact cricket scores, news, weather, latest gossips and more all are available on internet that's the reason they spend most of their time on system.
Computer knowledge is must for all, as children enter into elementary school they are taught computer basics, as they grow their knowledge is broaden. Parents also teach them to use computer for each and every work as they feel it's the best source to develop knowledge. In our childish days we use to play with friends but now kids are completely dependent on PC, instead of playing games like hide-n-seek they prefer playing computer games.
"Computer - A Blessing or curse" this is the argument which will never end, It has got its advantages and disadvantages in different perspective.
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