Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Learning is fun

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As the quote goes ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. But what if work was play and hence fun for Jack. We ought to this give this a thought.
I remember during my school days, there were occasions when the entire class was excited about the subject and deeply engrossed in its activities. Those activities included field trips where one found rare genre of flowers, fruits – differentiating then on the color, edibility and region of prevalence. These were rare moment and the class wanted more such activity learning.
Interactive learning gives a child room to understand concepts better. It’s essential that both teachers and parents include this in their child’s learning process and adding the many self-assessment aided tools that have come up. They may include CDs and web portals such as www.24x7guru.com that help children with self-assessment tests and further briefing them on the solutions.
Therefore, interactive classroom aid and regular assessment are most rewarding and should be made the academic backbone of every growth. These methods also help us customize teaching according to each child’s potential.

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